Dr. Michael Lightfoot
Senior Education Consultant Learning Possibilities Limited
Teacher Digital Competency Curriculum (TDCC) is based on the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (v.3, 2018) which has been modified and adapted in the light of the experiences of educators, internationally, during the school lockdowns and the policy objectives outlined in Sri Lanka’s Policy for Digital Transformation of Education from December 2021.
The TDCC is a spiral curriculum, There are six modules in the curriculum that cover the six areas of the UNESCO framework, which have been reordered and prioritized to reflect local conditions and lesson learned during the pandemic. All six modules are available at three levels, depending on the needs of the educators, and each module is designed to take five hours of study – one hour of tutor-led learning and four hours of supported self-study. The 30 hours study time for the completion of each level is indicative only. The participants take an online test at the end of each module to enable them to progress onto the next level of learning. The modules are designed to be taken sequentially, following each of the six modules in turn. Advanced learners may take the short module tests, at the beginner and intermediate levels, and, if successful in the tests, to progress directly to the higher levels, but the learning management system is set up to require success in the tests at the lower, ‘Awareness’ and ‘Developing’ levels before progressing to the higher levels which represent ‘Optimisation’.
The modules are designed to follow the ADOPT framework from Learning Possibilities that correspond to a teacher’s journey from Awareness, through Developing to Optimisation. The final two stages of ADOPT – Pioneering and Transformation are designed to be whole school objectives: once a critical number of staff have reached the Optimisation stage. These final stages become part of the journey for the whole school learning community as the members, increasingly, become more skilled and more involved in whole school development planning for the transformation of learning.
Through mastery of this module a teacher will be able to recognise appropriate activities for using ICT to enhance teaching and learning; understand and apply some basic activities using ICT with mobile devices; design a unit of work that involves integrating ICT into extended project work.
Through mastery of this module a teacher can ...
Senior Education Consultant Learning Possibilities Limited
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